Does TV Need to start thinking outside the box?
When Television was in its' infancy, programming consisted largely of radio shows reformatted for TV. It took time for them to figure out the new format, but when they did, the box in the corner of the living room became a must have piece of furniture for every house.
But the World has moved on and time waits for no man. For pretty much anyone under the age of 50 the TV is switched on only for 'Live' events. Appointment to view shows like 'Love Island' and 'I'm a celebrity' work because you have to be there in the moment or you miss it. Likewise big sports events have to be seen there and then because you get to watch the event unfold.
So much of the content that's being produced is passing a whole generation by because what being produced is being made for a medium that's irrelevant to their audience. TV stations are making a concerted effort to make digital part of everything that they do, but what if they've got it the wrong way around?
What if it's social media that should be making TV part of what they're doing?
I linked up with Shwenty Media to see what could be done if we looked at the problem from this angle. They built the software and we produced a quiz show where the contestants played at home against celebrities in the studio. It opened a whole new world for advertisers as they could now geo target a fully captive audience. Have a look at the sizzle tape here > Golden ticket
It's just an example of the kind of thing that can be done when you look at the problem from a different angle.
If TV wants to reclaim some of it’s lost audiences, maybe it’s time to start thinking outside the box?
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